Collpa Chuncho (Macaw Clay Lick)  is located in the Tambopata National Reserve (Rio Alto Tambopata), is one of the richest natural reserves in the Peruvian Amazon with a great variety of biodiversity. Thats why possible to observe a great landscape and natural wealth due to the large amount of flora and fauna, especially the macaw’s show in Collpa Chuncho visible from the Tambopata river. This area is home for giant macaws with wonderful colors combining with the green Amazon jungle, large families of macaws eating this natural mineral salt to balance their food, only seen in this area better than in other places.

Collpa Chuncho Macaw Clay Lick is one of the most stunning wildlife spectacles in the world, making it a must see for adventurous, familiy travelers, photographers and nature lover’s.

Collpa Chuncho is one of the best Macaw clay licks in the Reserva Nacional Tambopata – Puerto Maldonado, Peru. The admission charge is what you need to pay to get into the reserved zone for two to three days, but covers you for Collpa Chuncho however long you want to stay.

Our Commitment

Collpa Chuncho is dedicated to real ecotourism. Collpa Chuncho Peru takes great care to limit the impact of our tours on the environment. We collect all the waste and take it back to Cusco. We buy local or Peruvian products wherever possible and avoid the use of cans or other materials that are difficult to recycle.

Working in Tambopata National Reserve also means working with local and native people: the lodge staff and the boat team are all from Tambopata Jungle. In our tours to Tambopata National Reserve we use our Lodge Suites, which is run by local amazonian people. With the money of our jungle expeditions we can contribute to the preservation of the jungle and the way of life of the people there and provide them with a good income. These communities come from jungle, so we work with them to ensure sustainable tourism.

Our Lodge

Collpa Chuncho Suites: is located in Reserva National Tambopata near Collpa Chuncho macaw clay lick, 100% run by local owners from the Tambopata region. Offer comfortable suite rooms, queen beds, private bathroom, hot shawer, drinks, WiFi, hammock room, etc. This area has a large extension of hectares of Amazon rainforest with great biodiversity. Nestled in the primary Amazonian jungle of Tambopata National Reserve with altitude 1.80 m. above sea level, with numerous trails for hiking activities which offers the visitor the opportunity to see a good selection of wildlife, as well as endemic species, etc. Our varied jungle tours and unique accommodation really make it an exceptional and unforgettable Amazon experience.

Our Guides

Our guides are locals and grew up in Jungle. They learned from childhood how to observe wild animals, how to recognize birds and mammals by sound and shape. They can imitate the animals and call closer. This experience will benefit you and you will be able to discover and observe many animals with the help of our guides. The guides have animal and plant guides with them, so that you will always have additional information at your hand.

We use professional binoculars and telescopes so you can get a closer view of the animals.

All the guides are English speaking with many years of guiding experience in Tambopata.


Click on the link below to visit our contact page and we will be happy to answer all your questions.